Monday 4 April 2011

Melbourne Tues 29-3-11 Arrived at Tullamarine Airport and proceeded to check in with Hertz car hire, quick service and we go to car park to pick up a lovely white Camry which is a big automatic, a pleasure to drive. I have done much more driving this year and I am pleased to have done my share. Set sat nav for Dawns and off we go, no hitches along the way and we arrive in just under an hour, as it is earlier than expected Dawn is down at the school collecting Paige, so we went to Coles, Liquorland and cake shop!! Dawn and Paige gave us an overwhelming welcome. On going down to our bedroom we found Paige had made up a sweetie jar for us and tied it with ribbon and Dawn had placed an enormous bouquet of lillies for me as a late gift for my 60th. After Paul and Dylan came home Dawn cooked us cottage pie with chips and salad and it was very welcome. Had a good chat with them and a catch up on everyone news and then to bed for an early start as Paul had booked a unit for us in Moamba and I have no idea where that is!! draft

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