Monday 4 April 2011

onwards to KL

~Sun 3-4-11 Got up at 5.30am, said goodbye to a very tearful Dawn. who in turn made me cry. Drive to airport was effortless with little or no traffic. Took car back to hertz and made way into airport Ken had already checked in on line so just a bag drop and leave Melbourne at 10am. Arrived in KL at 8.30pm and took shuttle bus to Concorde Hotel for an overnight stay.l Got up early again and it was raining stair rods, went to breakfast at 6am and took taxi at 7am to budget airport for a 45 min flight to Penang, an hours taxi drive and we arrived at lone Pine Resort. Room is lovely but we are overlooking the kitchen and car park Ken not too happy but then the lad drops the bombshell that the pool will be out of bounds for at least three days, and it was quite noisy work they were doing. As we are only here for three days I thought Ken was going to explode. You have to be careful with these people they do not like angry people so I had to leave Ken to deal with it. He asked to see the Manager which he duly did, he was full of apologies and said he would move us but could do nothing about the pool except let us use the neighbouring hotels pool, not good enough says Ken, this is a special break for our 40th Wedding anniversary and it has cost a lot of money to stay here, it is expensive for Malaysian hotels. Well we checked out two rooms and they were crap, not revamped like the rest of the place and they smelt fusty, even with a sea view I could not be tempted. So we went back to room and waited and waited until we were taken to suite, three floors up and it was fantastic, tried not to look too enthusiatic but I wanted those rooms, hehe. We have sea view, swimming pool view, garden view, the lot, and we have a kitchen, complete with microwave (not that we will be using that), fancy coffee machine, dining area, and lounge area, large bedroom, two teles, lovely bathroom and shower, two balconies, one with outside spa bath, this will do for me Jimmy,. Anyway a little while later we have a chocolate cake delivered to our room with Happy 40th anniversary iced on it, tastes yummy too. Later on the manager caught up with us in the garden and told us some fruit was being delivered to our room, the staff keep wishing us Happy Anniversary and the Manager tonight asked me if I was happy with everything and guess what from 7am in the morning the pool will be reopened, they have worked their little socks off this afternoon, working long after the 5pm deadline, bless em. So tomorrow should be a lot quieter. Had our food at the food court outside the hotel, lovely grub, then did a stroll along the night market, someone got knocked over and they waited half an hour for an ambulance he did not look good.

melobourne cont

Sat 2-4-11 Lazy day, who said that I did washing,ironing and repacked both suitcases whilst Ken went to watch Paige in her netball tournament with Dawn and Paul, her team won. In the afternoon Ken took Dylan and Dawn to his basket ball game and Paul went to the wreckers yard to get her another car part.I had a leisurely shower, did my hair, and face booked for a while. In the evening we went out for a meal with Dawn and Paul, Shelley and Kenny to thre Red Salmon where we had a good meal. It was a lovely evening. Did no stay up too late tonight as we leave early in the morning.

melbourne cont

Friday 1-4-11 April Fools Day and Dawn decided to ring Paul and tell him that the battery he had bought for her car the day before was a duff one, he was furious, until he found out he had been had We took Dawn to the Caribean market a usual haunt for us, Paige one to school as she hates the market! The Friday market is not as good as the Wednesday one not enough stalls still big and we enjoyed it. We then went onto Knox city, a bigger version of Queensgate and it has a large food court where we had lunch. Took Dawn home and later left to go and visit Monica and Owen in Frankston arriving just before 4pm. She had made a real effort considering she cant cook! She had made both a meat lasagne and a spinach and ricotta lasagne with salad, followed by lemon meringue and chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake shop and they were delicious, Her two daughters and a boyfriend visited and ate with us it was lovely to see them all again and Monica cried when we left at 9.30pm, an hours drive back,

Melbourne cont

Weds 30-3-11 Early risers going to Moaba for an overnight stay in one of Pauls mates sisters unit (bungalow to us). Its a 3 hour drive from Melbourne we called in McDonalds as we had promised Paige we would, then onto the town of Bendigo where we visited the historic pottery, wish I could have brought some home it was all lovely I got roped into having a go on the potters wheel alongside Paige who is somewhat of a expert and I am a complete novice but the potter had a lot of patience and I produced two dishes with lots of help from him. However the latst bowl I made on my own and I am really chuffed with it, it is now being fired and glazed and will beposted to Dawn in acouple of weeks and she will forward it on. Onto Euchar went down to the mighty Murray River to see the grand old paddle steamers in action, now onto Moamba. Its a lovely unit we are staying in, went 9ut and got bread and milk Dawn has bought some food lots of pokie machines etc but we had a delicious inexpensive meal, the place was packed. After a chat over a bottle of wine we retired to bed at 11pm. The bed is comfy and we have a good nights sleep. Thurs 31-3-11 Heading back to Melbourne this morning via Yarrawonga where Dawn andPaul have a holiday timeshare unit, stopping off for a ~subway in Yarrawonga town, Ken fancies a week here so maybe we will come back after all, I sincerely hope so but somehow doubt it. Its a lovely place with plenty to do. Arrive back in Melbourne had a lovely coffee and eclair from bakers around 4pm. Lois aand Mal come over in the evening and we all have fish and chips.
Melbourne Tues 29-3-11 Arrived at Tullamarine Airport and proceeded to check in with Hertz car hire, quick service and we go to car park to pick up a lovely white Camry which is a big automatic, a pleasure to drive. I have done much more driving this year and I am pleased to have done my share. Set sat nav for Dawns and off we go, no hitches along the way and we arrive in just under an hour, as it is earlier than expected Dawn is down at the school collecting Paige, so we went to Coles, Liquorland and cake shop!! Dawn and Paige gave us an overwhelming welcome. On going down to our bedroom we found Paige had made up a sweetie jar for us and tied it with ribbon and Dawn had placed an enormous bouquet of lillies for me as a late gift for my 60th. After Paul and Dylan came home Dawn cooked us cottage pie with chips and salad and it was very welcome. Had a good chat with them and a catch up on everyone news and then to bed for an early start as Paul had booked a unit for us in Moamba and I have no idea where that is!! draft

Monday 28 March 2011


Sun Had a delicious freshly cooked full english breakfast with fruit toast etc, set us up for day, had a nice chat with the owner sitting on their verandah overlooking all the mountains how lucky they are, lovely parrots, galahs and it made my day when a wallaby came onto the lawn to have a look at us eating our brekky. Janice went off to brisbane to a craft fair, Brisbane is 2 hours away but to them its like us popping into town. We went off to Bangalow Sunday market about 45 mins away, it was a huge market, crafts, produce, loads of different foods to try, we had an organic blackberry jam filled massive doughnut the best we have ever eaten. Spent the morning here no problem could have spent a fortune but unfortunately cant get the stuff home, there were buskers there and it was lovely but very very busy. We then took ourselves off to Tweed Heads, I drove, have done a lot of driving, Ken still gets tired so dont want him over doing things. Tweed Heads is absolutely stunning, two beaches, one in Queensland and the other in NSW. Great hot day again and the surfers are out in force have never seen so many in one place not even at Bondi Beach. Had freshly cooked Barrimundi and Snapper for lunch, found an internet cafe as Paula had sent message to Dawn to get us to check our e mails, Air Asia have changed our flight to Penang, thankfully it is half an hour earlier!! Got back to our cabin around tea time, showered etc and off to the pub for some food, certainly see life here, all hillbillys, hats and beards to boot, but friendly aliens. Monday 28-3-11 Delicious breakfast again this morning at 8am, sat on verandha talking to Keith and Janice until 9,30am then we had to say goodbye, to head off to Brisbane which thankfully is an hour behind here so it is really only 8.30am. Drove past brisbane to a place called Redcliffe, bit disappointing, many places still closed from the floods went to Tourist Info who were as much use as a chocolate tea pot so we headed back to the centre and booked into a motel just 25 mins from airport for our flight tomorrow to Melbourne, Dawn phoned she is so excited cooking us a meal tomorrow night which I am looking forward to and shes got the wine coooling!! Went out tonight and had chinese at a noodle bar lovely. Catch ya later xx


Second day at Caribean Hotel, took drive to to Sawtell Beach where we had breakfast in town after wandering around we decided to head for the rainforest centre, it was lovely and we went onto Danger Falls after all the rain in the area there was plenty of water around another hot day, headed back for a late afternoon return. We had done a lot of walking today an decided to pop across and get fish and chips which we ate in our room and they were lovely, especially being washed down with a beer and glass of wine. Friday 25-3-11 Left fairly early after a freshly cooked breakfast at the motelmthis was run by a lovely couple. We headed off to Byron Bay which was packed, with scantily dressed people, camper vans and it seemed if you were over 20 you were too old to be there! It is a lovely place tho, old colonial buildings all down the main streets and the beach was lovely, we decided not to stay here and instead we headed off into the rain forest to a tiny village called Uki, on the edge of Mt Warning an defunct volcano, we phoned a place called Braeside B & B and our faithfull sst nav got us there around 2pm it is so beautiful here surrounded by peace and quiet and mountains, we are staying in a wooden cabin with all facilities, needs a bit of tlc but its okay, real nice couple who are looking to move as Keith husband is 74 and suffering from shingles!!! and its all too much for him how , whoever buys it will get a bargain and it could be made into a spectacular home, its a real oldy day homestead. Janice is a very clever lady who makes patchwork quilts etc paints does everything really showed me some gorgeous items she has made. After settling in showering etc we went into the village we are very high up, up a winding drive, so Im not driving down that thank you very much! 'We ate a pub meal in the only pub along with all the locals all pissed out of there heads and very talkative.l

Thursday 24 March 2011


Weds 23rd
Lazy day todaym wandered round Nelson Bay looking in shops etc, atea steak and kidney pie at Neds - these Aussies sure know how to make a pie, 50 varieties of fillings but stuck to my faithful choice. Walked down to beach put up umbrella, its so hot again, waves very high so I didnt venture in sea, another shark attack last night so not many brave people!! Headed back to Hideaway and went for dip in pool, then Ken had a nap whilst I read my book. Went to the pub for some food and another day has gone.

Thurs 24-3-11
Woke early to bird song already very hot had breakfast and loaded car for onward journey to Coffs Harbour which is about 5 hours driving, Said our goodbyes to Kathy, I drove for just over two hours and then we had a break in Tamee went in cafe and had the most enormous egg and bacon roll which was lovely. Ken took over the driving nothing on these roads a pleasure to drive really. 1pm and we call into the Billabong Wildlife Park to check out the Koala Breeding section
and we stroked and fed the kangeroos, saw the tiniest joey feeding off its Mum, delightful, it is now steaming hot and too much to walk about much more in it so back on the road arriving in Coffs, managed to get the last room, a spa room where Ken had looked at, The Caribean Motel, very nice, can see the harbour and boats from our room, perfect. Take advantage of the spa bath and out for an Indian Meal - and so to bed,

Tuesday 22 March 2011

holiday 2011 Oz

At last we have managed to find some internet, our accommodation has no wireless connection!! So today I am sitting in the local library on free internet and will start blogging lol.

Thursday 17-3-11
Easy journey to Heathrow, underground OK arrived in plenty of time, dropped off bags having already checked in on line. Boarded at 9.20pm took off down runway when captain announced he had left a passenger so we had to return to bay, Eventually took off at 10.10pm for a somewhat bumpy flight, we were lucky enough to have four seats so spread out and managed to sleep for a few hours. On leaving airport we took a taxi/limosine to the Dorset Regency, it is a lovely hotel, we are on the 27th floor so hoping there is not earthquake here, the lift zips us up in no time at all. We settle in, shower and go out in search of food, we went to a restuarant named Shakura which has been recommended to Ken by someone online, have to say great meal,
20 pound for two with drinks. Walk back to hotel for an excellent well earned sleep.

Wake at 8am have a cuppa in room then down to a good buffet breakfast, fried eggs perfect, beef bacon...mmm..quite good actually, fruit, yoghurt, and danish pastries, full to bursting - will see us through to our meal tonight.,
Out onto streets now and walk to new shopping malls - not far from us a nice walk, its very hot but humidity not too bad. Bought watches for kids priced up other goods so we have an idea when we got to the market and chinatown tonight what the going rates are so we have a bartering price in our heads, love it.
Didn't need lunch but had a lovely coffee, was coerced by Ken to had a foot massage/reflexology, dont really like people touching my feet and I had to try hard to suppress my laughter when she first started, however I thought it was supposed to be relaxing but how can you relax when someone is pummelling your feet and legs and pulling your toes until they crack, then they charge you! It was 50 ringitts each for half an hour. Ken wants a neck, head and shoulder massage tomorrow, I'm not sure about that one the woman I was watching did not seem to be enjoying it judging by her facial expressions.
Walk back to hotel to freshen up, get taxi to Chinatown for night market and food. Buy a couple of bags and eat at a market stall, delicious food downed by a couple of drinks, met nice English couple from Warwickshire and spent time talking to them, got taxi back to hotel and so to bed.

Sat 19-3-11 Tys birthday
Woke early so went down for early breakfsat then walked into centre, Ken needed some new earplugs for his MP3 player and we bought some gifts for the kids. We are all walked out by 1pm oso on our 3way back to hotel stop to eat some satay chicken and rice downed by a cold drink. We are checking out later and being picked up at 5pm to go to airport. Very misty here this afternoon after being so hot and sunny, looks like heavy rain is coming so goodbye to Kuala Lumpar.

Flight left at 10.50pm for a seven hour flight to Sydney very full flight owing to sharing with KLM and Sri Lanka airways no spare seats, we had a young child who cried and screamed for five hours bless her she was knackered but wouldnt give in, felt for her Mum, but kept wishing she would give her some medicine lol. Breakfast on board was crap, yoghurt and choc muffin which was awful, fortunately we had taken some sandwiches on board so we ate them. Malaysia
Airlines (like them all I suppose) seem to have really cut back really did not like the food this time.

Sun 20-3-11 Rachels birthday
Arrived in Sydney airport at 9.20am had to wait for luggage then went to Hertz counter to pick up car, all went smoothly, go to car park where car is parked check it over, and off we go to Salamander Bay which is about two and half hours drive from Sydney, set up Sat nav and we are off. The rain is torrential, water lying on road very dangerous, traffic moving slowly, get out of Sydney very easily and settle in for a long drive, Ken is driving, so much rain and it is very misty at times. However the further we travel the better the weather is getting and as we arrive at our destination the weather is perfect, sunny and hot. Arrive at Baydreamer hideaway and it is beautiful, our own place, they place breakfrast every day. It is owned by a Canadian couple, who have looked after the wildlife in the area for many years, Kathy is particularly fond of the koalas and possums and she is very interesting to listen to having nursed many back to health after road injuries and bush fires. We have our own swimming pool and it is all very lovely, settle in and go into small town to buy a new Sim card for phone so that we can phone Rachel on her birthday and also check on how Paula is. Buy some rolls and ham etc for our lunch and take back to Hideaway, relax by pool with wine! It is time to ring Rachel which we do and have a nice chat with her and Leah, Owen not interested. Pleased she had a good morning and she was looking forward to her lunch out. Spoke to Paula and Isabelle also.
Out for meal at night to local pub great food, again this is a place where you have to eat fairly early as restaurants close early!

Monday 21-3-11
Had lie in this morning didn't get up until 8am although Ken up at 7.30pm which for him is a major lie in! We decide that as the weather is not going to be good we would drive to the Hunter valley and visit some wineries. Guess the Aussie weather forecasters are as good as ours as it turned out to be a fabulous and hot hot day. However we really enjoyed the wineries and also the brewery where you get six samples of different beers for 7 dollars and when you take back the sample rack empty they give you a glass of your chosen beer. Ken liked them all but as he was driving I had to finnish them off what with that and the wine was feeling a little light headed on the way back! Called in the cheese shop and chocolate factory, all very expensive. Arrived back at tea time, showered and out for a meal. Dawn is texting all the time lol.

Tuesdsay 22-3-11
Early breakfast enjoyed with doors open it really is a lovely spot to stay, decide to go to shops then to beach, Ken went for swim and convinced me to go in too, the water is lovely and warm, some of the waves were too high for me so I got out after 15 mins and being soaked and sat and read my book. We left the beach around 4pm and travelled back to Hideaway, calling in at Coles to buy some steak to barbecue, Ken enjoyed doing the cooking and we had a lovely dinner, then spent the evening relaxing and reading, lovely.

Weds 23-3-11
Early breakfast then to library to do blog will catch you later.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

We are off

Well todays the day, we catch the train to Heathrow at 3.05pm, plenty of time as our flight(HM1) is not leaving until 10pm. Should be in Kuala Lumpur around 6.30pm on Thursday evening. Staying at the Dorcett Regency for two nights then on to Australia.
Love to you all, going to miss you but hey the sun and fun will make up for it alittle!!

Friday 21 January 2011



The fights are booked a few hotels and car hire. So off we go on March 16th, first stop Kuala Lumpur.